Thursday 19 May 2011

Howdy sugar lumps

SO. I finally decided to stop clogging up twitter with my rants and get a blog! Hallelujah! Ive no idea how this works, Ive already spent the past hour confused, and I will be very surprised if people take noticed of this, but hey, its a good way to vent right? So I'll start with a bit about me ...

My real name's Callie, incase some people didnt know ... But I'd rather be known as Babbit. Theres a story behind it, but it isnt very interesting.

I live in a tiny house on a council estate in a very confused part of London, where we have cows living merrily along side a major motor way. I dont resent this, it would seem we have the best of both worlds. Plus we have THE most beautiful views here, the sunsets are soul lifting.

The main thing about me is that music is my entire life. Every thought, every action, e v e r y t h i n g I am is in someway music orientated. I believe music could heal the most damaged of spirits, and in the furture all I want is to be on a stage. I dont care if its infront of 10 people or 10,000, I just know I could never sustain a normal life. I want to make music and make people feel the things musics made me feel. The only problem with this is I have no idea how to go about it. I dont know any other people who play instruments or write music or anything so I feel like Im in it alone. And Ive no idea where to start.

Anyway, Im hoping this will all change with college. If not then ... Well.

I also have a thing for writing ... Ive just recently got the guts to post some of my stuff on DeviantArt, and Ive got a lot of good feedback, which have boosted my confidence unimaginably so ...

ALSO. I plan on setting up my own clothing business. Y'know, DBNO style thing? Except, Im not already famous :'] So I've got a lot of plans, its just ... Getting round to it all.

If you actually read that, I love you. I hope to see you in future mumbles ... Who knows ... You could be in them ;]