Tuesday 5 June 2012

Why we shouldnt cure cancer.

I know it sounds harsh, but hear me out.
I don't know why, but Ive been thinking about this a lot lately.
Everyone's so intent on curing diseases like cancer and HIV but why does no one ever consider what would happen if these things were cured?
I'm not saying that it doesn't greatly sadden me that these diseases kill so many, and affect so many peoples lives in horrible ways, but if they were cured, the planet would effectively, be fucked. More fucked than it is already. Ive read that cancer accounts for 13% of all deaths, around 7.6 million, HIV kills around 1.8 million a year (these numbers are outdated by a couple years, the death rates are growing though) so that means if these diseases are cured around 9 million more people would survive each year. The world is becoming over run as it is, 9 million more people alive means 9 million more mouths to feed, house, pay for, etc. There are simply too many people on the planet to even cope now, the effects of curing such diseases would be disastrous. These diseases are natural, its natures way of ensuring the world doesn't become over populated, to ensure there's a balance. After all nothing can work without balance.
I'm not saying nothing should be done about cancer and other horrible diseases, but surely prevention rather than cure is whats needed? People have to die, that's the way the world works, but preventing so many from dying is far better than curing. Imagine if everyone actually took medical advice about protecting yourself from such diseases? Much less people would have to go through the trauma of being diagnosed with cancer, and those who did follow the advice but still got it, well. That's just how things should be in order for a balanced to be maintained.
I know a lot of people wont agree with me and that's fine. Everyone has their reasons to hate cancer, most people will have been or will be affected by it if not directly then indirectly at some point in their life, but that's what it is, life. Cure cancer, and something more terrible will arise, a new disease tailored by nature to keep the balance, that's how it works so that the world CAN work.
I really hope I haven't offended anyone, I do find things like this tragic because it will always break my heart that people have to die in such horrible ways, but I think that's what you have to accept because like Ive said, it has to be that way.
Gimme your ideas, I want peoples views. Tell me I'm wrong but tell me why.


  1. But if given the chance to be 'cured' shouldnt the people who generally deserve it be given the chance to continue with there life. I mean the people who havent done anything morally wrong or havent sinned as such.

    But at the end of the day it how life is and as horrible as it is not everyone gets to live a full life. Not just cancer or HIV or these diseases do the damage. I lost a friend in a car accident, funny thing was he wasnt in a car just walking on the pavement.

    But if there was a cure why should people miss out just because of overpopulation.I know thats not a good thing at the end of the day, but its not their fault.

    If anyone deserves to die its the 'scum' that still manage to live on the earth or are rotting away in prison Why do they deserve to live when 'good' people or children are dying?

    I'm not saying your wrong because to some point i do agree.

  2. Obviously, no one should be denied the right to live, its just the consequences of having so many people suddenly survivng. You're right, too many good people do die, whilst low life scum bags get to live and the unjustice is infuriating, but sadly theres nothing that can be done about that, as much as I wish ... Thank you for reading and commenting btw :)
