Wednesday 24 August 2011

All Ya Need Is Love, da dadada daaa.

So I'm meant to be writing a post about my wonderful love Eric, but when it comes to him all I can do is keyboard mash. Soooo, I thought I'd put it in universal terms. And put it with a moral, like my other posts, starting with something I believe.

I believe that humans are not made to, and therefore cannot live alone. Everything we do in our lives, whether consciously or subconsciously is to attract and keep a partner. Anyone who says they're happier alone is lying. No human is happy with prolonged loneliness, they can fool themselves into thinking so, but sooner or later they'll realise they need someone.
Despite this, not everyone is lucky enough to find their someone. But for those who do, it stirs emotions and feelings that no other experience in the world could conjure. There is nothing better than knowing you've someone who loves you, and cares for you and is just as crazy about you as you are them. That knowledge alone can completely change your view on love and even life.
I never really knew, not believed in love, just silly childish imitations of what it could be. But when you find it, and know it, its like being handed a new perspective. Without love, even the love of friends and family, and if you've no intention of seeking love or accepting it, then what point is there in life? Love can be the most destructive of emotions, but also the most healing. Despite us humans being an incredibly selfish race, love can make us do things for other people that we'd never do for ourselves. It's easy to ruin our own lives, but when you've the love of another human, someone who's life you could also be ruining just by destroying your own, you suddenly realise you're not meant to just live for you, you suddenly become aware that just by having someone love you, you have this conscience. You're now no longer so selfish because love has given you someone to share your life with. And for the reason you more start living for them, rather than yourself and vice versa. And I think that's what it means to be one with someone. To kinda share your life, all your energy and emotion with someone who's sharing theirs with you ... And suddenly nothing else matters :')
And I've seriously rambled a lot, good lord ... My apologies to anyone I just made vomit and/or fall asleep. I just wanted to get my view out, and let Eric know how he's affected me :'3
So before I ramble anymore I'll just say this;
Don't give up on love, or whatever you want to call it. No ones built to be alone forever, so you might as well just accept the fab fours words-
ALL YA NEED IS LOVE~ da dadada daaa.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

On Being Yourself: The Second Best Banana.

This is something my year 6 teacher gave me when we left primary school. I think its just about the most truthful and important advice if ever been given, so I thought I'd share it with you guys :)

On Being Yourself
You must learn that you cannot be loved by all people.
You can be the finest apple in the world - ripe, juicy, sweet, succulent, and offer yourself to all.
But you must remember that there will be people who do not like apples.
You must understand that if you are the worlds finest apple, and someone you love does not like apples, you have the choice of becoming a banana.
But you must be warned that if you choose to become a banana, you will be a second-rate banana.
But you will always be the finest apple.
You must also realise that if you choose to be a second-rate banana, there will be people who do not like bananas.
Furthermore, you can spend your life trying to become the best banana - which is impossible if you are an apple - or you can seek again to be the finest apple.

I adore this saying, or whatever you'd call it. And I hope you can take as much meaning from it as I have these past years ^.^
Babbit <3